Whenever faced with a challenge, our species has pushed the boundaries of what is possible and has created astonishing feats of engineering that, to this day, continue to amaze everyone. Let’s see some of them and get inspired by what humanity can achieve.
The first on our list would be The Great Wall of China, built by the Ming Dynasty about 600 years ago. Spanning for about 21 km [13000 miles], the work is a combined effort of 2500 years by many dynasties. From Gravity defying International Space Station [ISS], a combined effort of 15 countries, including major contributors like the US, Russia, Europe, Japan, and others, to the Channel Tunnel, a remarkable 50 km [31 miles], linking France to the UK, we humans have made these marvels stand as a testament of our determination.
And how can we forget to mention the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the Palm Jumeirah, an artificial island along the coast of Dubai, UAE? Whether it is to pursue trade via the Panama Canal or to push the boundaries of our existing knowledge with the Large Hadron Collider [LHC], these are born out of the brilliant minds and tireless effort that not only shape our world but inspire future generations to dream big and strive for the extraordinary.
Many engineering feats on water, such as China’s Three Gorges Dam and Hoover Dam in the US, etc., are built to take advantage of hydropower, store water, control floods, and generate electricity for everyday use. Have a look below to discover more of these human-made marvels that stand tall and make us proud.