Metal Garage vs. Wooden Garage - A Head To Head Comparison

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Metal Garage vs. Wooden Garage – A Head To Head Comparison

Metal Garage vs. Wooden Garage - A Head To Head Comparison
  • October 11, 2022

Having a garage on your property is more than an addition to its value. From a simple car parking structure to a multipurpose facility, the worth of a garage building is a lot higher.

When you go out in the market to find the perfect garage building for your property, the options you will get are limited. You have to find the best available solutions.

Among all possible building solutions, metal garage shed and a conventional garage shed are the best options you have. But, it would be better for you to know about both structures and find which one is better.

As a modern-era building, there are many advantages of prefab steel buildings. The following head-to-head comparison will help you get a better insight to make the final decision.

Metal Garage vs Wooden Garage Buildings

Metal garage structures and wooden garages are close competitors of each other. But they are different in terms of features and cost. You can go through the following comparison to find the best option for your property.


Noise is one of critical factors that can make your life difficult in the facility. If you are planning to spend a lot of time in garage facility, you must look at the noise factor of the building. It is more about the level of comfort and isolation a structure can provide in terms of sound or noise.

For example, rain thrumming sound can be annoying, affecting your concentration level while performing tasks requiring precision and accuracy.

If we look at the other side, it could be serious trouble for you if you are using power tools and people in the neighborhood are affected by its noise. So, you must plan a building with an effective sound barrier for the structure to get rid of this issue.

Usually, people prefer to purchase metal buildings with isolation that offers protection from noise and temperature-related issues. It is advantageous to get sound and temperature isolation in the insulation budget.


Prefab steel garage structures and wooden structures can be insulated using different materials. Insulation is one of the most critical factors for people living in places with exceptional weather conditions.

For extreme cold or hot climate conditions, you need a facility that can offer superior isolation from temperature of the external environment. It is crucial for you to find a temperature-resistant material that can provide better insulation from both hot and cold climate conditions.

Compared to wooden garage buildings, managing temperature-related issues in metal structures is much easier with adequate insulation. You can effectively keep the temperature constant in a steel garage building by differentiating the inside climate from the outside. But prefab garages can also be temperature efficient by using insulators of respective R-value.


In the metal garage vs wooden garage comparison, maintenance is also one of the influential factors. The maintenance process used for steel and wooden garage facilities can be explained as an approach to keep the structure in good long-term condition.

According to the structural specifications, the maintenance process used for steel structures is different from traditional wooden frames. There is also a big difference in the frequency of maintenance required for both building types.

Compared to prefab metal garages, wooden buildings need maintenance more frequently. Also, traditional garage buildings are prone to nature-caused damage. These structures often need to be maintained after severe storms and natural calamities.

Because of frequent maintenance and repair work, the maintenance cost for wooden garage structures is higher than the prefab garages. In terms of complexity, maintenance tasks for traditional designs are bulky and time-consuming.

Conversely, the maintenance process used for steel garage structures consists only of tasks like building inspection, cleaning, and less complex oiling. Because of this, no complexity is involved in the maintenance of steel garage facility.

Because of its high flexibility and durability, steel garage structures are mostly immune to the damage caused by natural calamities. These structures can withstand severe weather conditions without significant damage. You can resolve minor damage in the facility by replacing damaged components.


The influence of durability factor is significantly strong among all factors considered before investing in a building type. If a structure is not durable enough to bear natural calamities and the impact of environmental conditions, it is not suitable for you. It is much better to invest in a more durable and long-lasting structure.

When prefab metal garages are compared to a conventional wooden structure, durability could be a significant measure for you. As a core construction material, steel comes with various advantages; high tensile strength and the strength-to-weight ratio of steel are way higher than those of timber.

High tensile strength and weight-bearing capability make prefabricated steel structures more durable and long-lasting. Rather than buying a damage-prone building, it would be better for you to select steel structures that will serve you for decades without significant maintenance costs.

Safety & Security

Safety and security are critical measures you must consider to find the most appropriate garage building for your property. To protect yourself or your belongings from extreme weather conditions and other factors, you must buy a facility with proper safety measures.

As a natural material, wooden garage buildings have some limitations; they can’t withstand severe weather conditions. On the other hand, with durability and stability of the metal structure, you will be able to keep all your belongings safe and secure. You can also try some advancements to improve steel garage facilities’ safety and security measures.

Buy Metal Building from Viking Metal Garages?

Based on the comparison, you have understood that metal buildings have a lot of possibilities and advantages you can leverage compared to conventional wooden buildings. With years of experience and knowledge, Viking Metal Garages is known for providing superior metal buildings that are 100% American manufactured. To book your steel garage building now or get consultation, you can call our metal building expert at (704)-741-1587.

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